Thursday, 26 May 2011

Simply Nectar brings back the sunshine for the Bank Holiday

Hurrah!  Another Bank Holiday is in sight.  And we all know what that means.  A lovely long weekend followed by a pleasingly short working week.  I can picture it now...the walks, the picnics, the lazy afternoons and the barbeques in the garden.  In fact, I’m imagining anything that makes the most of the rare three day weekend; anything that embraces the early summer weather that we’ve been experiencing of late. 

Cue my quick glance out the window. appears the sun has disappeared as quickly as it arrived.  The grey clouds have rolled in and have completely covered any sign of sunshine.  There isn’t even a sneaky splodge of blue peeping through the breaks in the clouds – probably because there are no breaks in the clouds.  The sky has become a mish mash of dirty greys and whites, much like a ski slope at the end of a dull, rainy day. 

And then it happens – the rain.  Right on cue.  Apparently, if the weather forecast is right, it could push on into the Bank Holiday.  Fabulous.  The dreams of squeezing one whole summer into a three day weekend have been banished from my mind.  It seems the days will be spent doing indoorsy type things and all that barbeque food will need to be cooked under the umbrella or in the oven. 

Oh the memories
No need to be too glum though.  Those visions aren’t too dissimilar from the British seaside summer holidays that were enjoyed as a child.  And how fun they were!  Plus, as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow put it, the best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.  Well said!  Let’s just let it rain and let’s try and enjoy it.

Let it rain

What’s more, if you knock back lots of Simply Nectar it’ll definitely be summer inside.  With all our refreshing flavours, our drinks can make you feel like you’re lying on a beach in the hot sunshine, staring at blue skies, rather than sat huddled under an umbrella munching on burnt sausages and burgers.

Pure summer sunshine in a bottle

Embrace the Bank Holiday – whatever the weather.

Simply rain.

Simply Nectar

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Simply Nectar embraces the new

Hello!  Welcome to our brand new blog.  This suits our brand new look and the brand new flavour we’ve just introduced to our range.  Wow, 2011 is certainly an exciting year for Simply Nectar.  We’ve also got all technological and have joined Twitter (@SimplyNectar) and Facebook so please do come along and follow us, like us or give us a poke!  You can come and give George a kick too if you want...

George...the man himself

So then, back to the rebrand.  That’s right, Simply Nectar has a fancy new look and we cannot stop shouting about it – you can help us with this as well.  Shout it out at the top of your voice!

How have we changed?  Well, we’ve decided to become all modern so we’ve spruced up our logo as well as our bottles and labels.  We got rid of our 33cl bottles and replaced them with 25cl ones so all you guys could enjoy a smaller dose of Simply Nectar in one sitting.  The new bottles are also easier to carry around and are a lot more attractive, even if we do say so ourselves!  Our labels still feature our traditional trademark Simply Nectar beauty (who we like to call Sally!) but they are now much more contemporary and eye catching.  What’s more, the flavours are now wrtiten in English.  We took off the French wording and replaced it with our delightful mother tongue, so now everyone knows which flavour to go for.

Talking of flavours, we have a new exciting addition in our range.  We have launched our very first berry drink – the new Simply Nectar Raspberry, and it is simply delicious (see what we did there?!)  It offers a beautifully balanced blend of sweetness and subtle sharper notes, offering a refreshing and sophisticated flavour to suit all taste buds.  It is also a pretty pinky red colour so is as tempting as it is tasty.

Our new bottles are on sale now so get out there and see them for yourself.  If you cannot wait until then, here is a sneaky close-up shot of our new raspberry drink in all its rosy pink loveliness.

Simply beauuuuuutiful! 

Simply Nectar