Friday, 30 December 2011

For the sake of Auld Lang Syne

It's almost New Year's Eve and if you're anything like us you'll be looking forward to a good old knees up to celebrate the coming of the New Year.  The team at Simply Nectar and What On Earth will all be celebrating in different ways and I in particular will be dressing up in a fancy dress costume to see in 2012.  I haven't decided what I'm going as yet...perhaps a piece of fruit or a bottle of Simply Nectar?!

Now, I've been celebrating New Year's Eve since I was small and every year the classic New Year song, Auld Lang Syne, is always sung out with pride.  I try to join in but to be honest I never know the words.  I can join in with the chorus but that literally is about it.  I thought I would take it upon myself to learn the words this year so my friends don't have to listen to me singing the same line over and over again.  If you're like me and you don't know the words either take a look at this.  It could help you...

Should auld acquaitance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaitance be forgot
And auld lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

Well, that's pretty much it!  I can't believe I didn't know those few lines.  I believe the old Scottish version has many other verses but to be honest, at the parties I've been to anyway, the song never seems to get that far.  I think revellers are more interested in kissing each other and getting on with the party than singing Auld Lang Syne!

So, there we have it; the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne so you can all sing your hearts out tomorrow night.  I hope to hear your voices wherever you are in the world.

Have a fabulous New Year's Eve everybody and a happy and healthy 2012.

Courtesy of Simon Howden /


Simply 2012

Simply Nectar

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

When Christmas comes to town - in Poland

The staff at Simply Nectar and What On Earth are a real mix of nationalities.  We have people from every corner of the globe working here and this is something we are extremely proud of.  We believe in equal rights and we follow this by employing a wide variety of personalities.  All across the company – from drivers to chefs, from accountants to buyers – there are people from different countries working together.  We have staff from England, Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, Brazil, Thailand… the list could go on.

As we have such a mix we find that we are rich in cultures and traditions.  This makes special times of the year, Christmas especially, extremely interesting.  We get to learn a lot about how different countries celebrate festive occasions.  It’s amazing what we find out too.  We therefore want to share our knowledge with you guys.  We’ve had a little chat with Marta our HR Administrator and she has given us an insight into Christmas in Poland.


The festive fun starts with Advent, which is traditionally an important season in the Polish year.  Special church services, known as Roraty were held at 6am every morning and the four Sundays of Advent are said to represent the 4,000 years of waiting for Christ.

During Advent some people pour bees wax or plain wax on water so fortunes can be told from the shapes that emerge.  Special tasks are also carried out, such as baking Christmas piernik (gingerbread) and making decorations.  Advent also sees the “gwiazdory", or star carriers, wandering through the towns and villages, sometimes singing carols, reciting verses or putting on puppet shows and nativity scenes.  This would continue until Epiphany.  Unfortunately, according to Marta, these traditions are fading and are only really retained in small villages nowadays. 


Christmas Trees are decorated and lit in homes on the day of Christmas Eve and beautifully decorated trees are placed in public areas.  Traditionally they were decorated with shiny apples, gift walnuts, wrapped up chocolate shapes and homemade decorations and candles.  A star or other glittery feature sits on the top of the tree. In many homes, sparklers are hung on the branches of the trees and sometimes the trees are left standing until 2 February, which is the feast day of St Mary of the Candle of Lightning.


Christmas Eve, Wigilia, is the most significant part of the Polish Christmas as important rituals are celebrated on this day.  Polish people fast throughout the day and then sit down to a large feast in the evening.  Children watch the sky for the first star to appear and when it does the Wiglia feast can begin.  The meal, which can last for hours, normally consists of fish (usually carp) and other traditional Polish dishes.  No red meat is served.  The feast begins with the breaking of an opłatek – a thin wafer into which a holy picture is pressed.  Everyone at the table breaks off a piece and eats it as a symbol of their unity with Christ. They then share a piece with each family member.  It is said that as each individual shares a piece of wafer, they are supposed to forgive family members for any previous wrongdoings and wish them happiness in the coming year.


Polish families partake in different traditions at meal time.  Some spread hay beneath the tablecloth as a reminder that Christ was born in a manger, while others place money under the tablecloth for each guest as a wish for prosperity in the coming year.  Some families practice the superstition that an even number of people must be seated around the table and others set up a place at the table that is left empty.  This empty space can symbolise different things.  It can be for Baby Jesus, a lonely wanderer who may be in need of food or a deceased relative who may want to share the meal.

Once the meal is over there is an exchange of gifts and the evening is then full of stories and songs around the Christmas tree.  Christmas Eve ends with Pasterka, the midnight mass at the local church.


Christmas Day is often spent visiting friends and family and although gifts are given, more emphasis is put on making special food and decorations.

So, there we have it.  A quick round up of how Christmas is celebrated in Poland.  Marta is going home for the festive period so perhaps if I ask her nicely she may bring back some photographs for us.  Come on now Marta, don’t be a spoil sport :-)

We hope you learnt a little something from this post…see education can be fun!  I’ll have to try and chat with some of the other guys to see how they celebrate Christmas in their countries as well.  Until then, have a lovely few days and of course have a very merry Christmas.  Hoooray!

Simply Christmas.

Simply Nectar

Monday, 12 December 2011

The Story of our Christmas party

We’re getting in the Christmas spirit here at Simply Nectar.  We’re not putting decorations up or anything like that, not just yet anyway.  That would be a bit too keen!  Instead we’re discussing all the fun we had at the Christmas do on Friday night.  Listening to all the stories going around the office it seemed we all partied our pants off….well not literally, unless of course I haven’t heard about that bit yet. 

Our night started at our favourite organic pizzeria, Story Deli, in the east end of London.  Here they do some of the tastiest pizzas we’ve eaten, using all the very best organic ingredients (a lot of which come from our friends here at What On Earth).  Mmmm, it’s making me hungry just thinking of the Story Deli pizzas, despite having eaten my own body weight in them last week.  With the thin and crispy bases, the mounds of rocket and the rest of the delectable toppings, those pizzas definitely went down well with the team – especially Rolf.  I think he got through 3 in the end!  You should check out Story Deli for yourself and see what you think.  They’re very friendly in there so pop along and say hello.  Tell them we sent you too :-)

Inside Story Deli

Jeremy and I got to the restaurant early to decorate the tables and if I’m honest I think we did a blooming good job.  We used tinsel, crackers and candles to give the table a Christmassy feel.  We then wrapped up some chocolates and put them in everybody’s place.  What more could they ask for?!  Unfortunately there were no excited gasps or cheers of approval when everybody turned up to see our work of art but sadly we can’t have anything I suppose.  We were proud of our hard work.

We spent the next few hours (about 5 to be exact!) talking, laughing, eating, drinking and generally indulging ourselves in true merriment….as well as mountains of tasty pizza.  We pulled crackers (actual crackers…that isn’t a metaphor), we told jokes and we took photos.  We really did see in Christmas in style, despite the big day still being a few weeks away.  Ah well, that’s just a tiny matter in my eyes.

Another great aspect of the party is that everybody got to socialise together.  Due to the nature of the Simply Nectar / What On Earth business, there are a lot of staff members who work through the night.  The day workers therefore don’t get to see the night workers very often so the party gave us all a chance to be together for a few hours.  It made us feel like one big happy family and the more wine we drank (not Simply Nectar this time), the more happy we became!

Sometime after 11pm we got chucked out of Story Deli (not that we’d outstayed our welcome of course…!) and moved on to some more bars, leaving a mound of plates, bottles, glasses, crumbs, party hats, empty crackers and decorations in our wake.  It’s ok though…the guys who run Story Deli are our friends so of course they didn’t mind….we hope.

The night ended a little later and everybody proceeded to make their way home across London in the early hours of Saturday morning.  It appears that everybody made it into the office in one piece today so it seems we all survived the night, and the impending headaches the morning after.  With the office party done and dusted we now know it isn’t long until Christmas Day is upon us and yet more parties are due to be attended.  Boy, I love this festive time of year.

Simply Christmas

Simply Nectar

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Opt for a natural energy boost every time

Today we read a story about energy drinks that had a bit of an effect on us so we wanted to share it with you.  It is about energy drinks and the negative effects they can cause.  We read about it on

A US government affiliated report from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (Dawn) showed that there were links between energy drinks and a rising number of visits to the hospital’s emergency departments in America.  There were also associations with sexual risk, fighting and drug misuse. said “the report warned that trend data showed a tenfold increase in the number of emergency visits involving energy drinks between 2005 (1,128 visits) and 2008 (16,053 visits) and 2009 (13,114 visits).”  These statistics absolutely shocked us here at Simply Nectar – we didn’t realise energy drinks could have such an effect on people.

The news website also explained: “Noting that energy drink consumption had soared by 240 per cent from 2004 to 2009, Dawn identified the trend as ‘a rising public health problem because medical and behavioural consequences can result from excessive caffeine intake.’

This report has been questioned and savaged by the American Beverage Association, who says that the statistics have been taken out of context.  We obviously cannot comment on this but you can read more about the story on

After reading the article we got thinking and we have decided that the best type of energy to put in your body is natural energy.  This comes from natural foods and drinks – naturally.   Fruit in particular has a natural energy boosting capability that helps to keep our bodies on track between meals. All fruit contains natural sugar to help boost the spirit and energy levels, while the vitamin C and fibre found in many of fruits help us to keep mental clarity throughout the day.  

Courtesy of piyato /

Luckily, as we all know, Simply Nectar drinks are made from natural fruit.  The juices and nectars don’t have any refined sugars, preservatives or pesticides added in either so there are no horrible hidden extras to counteract the natural energy.  This means that you should drink Simply Nectar instead :-)

Simply natural.

Simply Nectar

Friday, 2 December 2011

Back to Business with Barclays Bank

We at Simply Nectar and What On Earth were very privileged to have two of the biggest names at Barclays Bank working with us for the day recently. Not only did it give us an excuse to dress up all smart, the day also gave us the opportunity to show the gentlemen around our premises, give them an insight into the daily goings on at the Simply Nectar/What On Earth HQ and also pick their business focused brains.  We tried to get them to give us some pocket money for penny sweets too but sadly we couldn't get any money out of them ;-)

We were joined by Chris Head and Peter Simon – two of Barclays’ big bosses. They spent the day working with us in aid of the bank’s ‘Back to Business’ scheme, which gives bankers the opportunity to spend time working for their customers. This experience allows Barclays to gain insight into their customers’ worlds and gives them a clearer understanding of how they can support their customers. The scheme followed the creation of Barclays Business, which launched in early 2010. The bank had a vision to become the ‘Go-To’ business bank by collectively and continuously making its customers’ lives easier. They decided that this meant they needed to get into the minds and lives of the customers; they needed to think boldly and be unique so that their customers wouldn’t want to go elsewhere, hence the invention of Back to Business.

We were chosen as a business to work with because our company offers a completely different environment to what both Chris and Peter are used to. We’d also like to think that they chose us because we are prize customers!  We were able to provide Chris and Peter with a whole new working experience – the complete opposite of their usual day to day office based roles. One of their most exciting tasks was to get into the kitchen and make some of What On Earth's renowned organic pizzas. Sadly we didn’t get to taste the fruits of their labour but they seemed to be doing a pretty good job and they certainly looked the part…they were set up with hair nets, white coats and everything!

Our head chef, Sergei, giving the guys a thumbs up

Not only could they see what it’s like to be a What On Earth chef they also got to check out other products, joined us in the board room for various meetings and they even got treated to lunch at Villandry – one of our biggest customers. In return they offered us some sound advice and opinions.  We just need to put it all into action now!

We want to take this opportunity to thank Chris, Peter and of course Barclays as a whole for giving us a very useful, insightful and enjoyable day. THANKS GUYS. 

Simply Barclays.

Simply Nectar

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

No added sugar but plenty of spice - festive cocktails the sugar free, Simply Nectar way

I suddenly realised today that there just under five weeks left until Christmas.  This is quite a scary thought considering I have not even started thinking about buying presents etc.  Having said this, I have given certain elements of the Christmas period some serious thought.  Those elements are mainly focused around partying and all that is needed to do this well. 

First on my list was cocktails.  Oh yes, those pretty and deliciously fruity mixtures are a must have at every celebration but more often than not they are a disappointment - especially when you spend a fortune on them in swanky bars.  Despite their flashy appearance and overwhelming price tag, the drinks turn out to be a sugar filled, sickly sweet mess topped with an umbrella and, if you're lucky, a Maraschino cherry.

We have therefore designed our very own cocktails using none other than juicy, sugar free Simply Nectar.  The cocktails are easy and inexpensive to make and can suit every party going.  Also, with the festive season almost upon us, I am aware that more and more cocktails will be launched throughout bars across the country, leaving a trail of sugary concoctions in their wake.  We are therefore attempting to save all you cocktail lovers the displeasure of tucking into yet another sugary monstrosity.  We therefore propose that you make these great Simply Nectar cocktails.  They are perfect for Christmas parties and even the New Year detox. Why?  Because Simply Nectar is high in vitamins and free from all pesticides, preservatives, GMOs and refined sugars of course.  But then you probably know that already don't you?!

Our very own Raspberry Bubbles cocktail

To make these lovely drinks we have teamed up with Vintage Roots, the organic wine specialists, and What On Earth, an award winning organic food company.  Vintage Roots has suggested their favourite organic wines and champagnes for the drinks.  All are available from 

Winter Sunrise
- 100 ml Cava Petit Albet
- 30 ml Orange Simply Nectar
- either A handful of What On Earth Organic Raspberries, blended
- or 20 ml Raspberry Simply Nectar

Fill chilled flute with blended raspberries or Raspberry Simply Nectar and add Orange Simply Nectar. Stir gently and top with Cava.

Raspberry Bubbles
- 50 ml Raspberry Simply Nectar
- 100 ml Serge Faust Champagne
- 2-4 raspberries from a What On Earth Organic Frozen Raspberry Pouch

Place frozen raspberries at the bottom of a chilled flute.  Add the Raspberry Simply Nectar and fill with Champagne.

Icy Delight
- 40ml Peach Simply Nectar
- 10ml  Citron Presse Simply Nectar
- 100ml Prosecco Giol
- Crushed ice

Fill a chilled flute with Citron Presse Simply Nectar followed by the Peach Simply Nectar.  Add Prosecco and top with crushed ice

Just Peachy Bellini
- 50 ml Peach Simply Nectar
- 100 ml Prosecco Bosco del Merlo

Fill a chilled flute with Peach Simply Nectar and gently add the Prosecco.  Stir gently

Our Just Peachy Bellini
Festive Flirt
- 100 ml Serge Faust Champagne
- 25 ml Organic Vodka (various types available through Vintage Roots)
- 25 ml What On Earth Organic Pineapple Chunks, blended

Fill flute with blended organic pineapple followed by the organic vodka and stir gently.  Top with Champagne.

What a Lovely Pear
- 100ml Cava Petit Albet
- 50ml Pear Simply Nectar
- 1 lime cut into wedges

Fill a chilled flute with Pear Simply Nectar and top with champagne.  Squeeze and drop in one wedge of lime.

If you want to make any of these virgin cocktails - take out the alcohol, simple :)

We hope you manage to try making some of these suggestions.  In fact, we insist you do.  Also, send in photos of your very own homemade cocktails (and those funny party pics of course) so we can see exactly how much you love them.

Simply cocktails.

Simply Nectar

Friday, 11 November 2011

11/11/11 - Our One Day On Earth

This morning, during the 11th hour on 11/11/11, we made a piece of history.  We joined in a human massage chain for One Day On Earth.  The human massage chain took place in St Martin’s Court in Covent Garden and was done in conjunction with Melvita, a certified organic (EcoCert) skincare brand.  Melvita is made in the south of France, a bit like Simply Nectar, so that’s why we thought we would join them in the inspirational and unforgettable event that took place this morning.  Also, the brand is very ethical – just like us.  Another tick in the box!   Read up on Melvita here:

One Day On Earth is a global media creation that documents what is happening around the world on 11/11/11.  People from across the globe recorded what occurred on this day and all the clips/photographs etc will be put together to create a share archive and film.  You can read more about here:

The human massage chain in full flow

Simply Nectar drinks were haned out in the goody bags at this morning’s event, plus we also took part in the human massage chain.  This was a delight because the massage on my shoulders was great, although my arms were aching because the girl in front of me was a lot taller!  Plus, my massage skills aren’t great so I doubt the poor girl in front of me enjoyed it overly much.  Despite that, it was a fun experience.  We managed to participate in the minute’s silence at 11am and then join history by documenting the human massage chain for One Day On Earth.  It was certainly one way to enjoy 11/11/11.

Goody bags at the ready

Did anybody else do anything memorable at all?  It would be great to hear about it so please let us know.

Simply massages.

Simply Nectar

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Logistics Manager wanted at What On Earth / Simply Nectar

As we're rather close friends with the guys at What On Earth we wanted to do them a favour...we're posting a job advertisement for them.  We're nice like that, see.  Also, to be honest, the new team member What On Earth is looking for will actually be working with Simply Nectar as well, so we are being a weeny bit selfish ;)

Do you want to join the friendly team here at What On Earth / Simply Nectar?  Do you fancy getting involved in our fun and working in the food /drinks industry?  Well, now you can.  Why?  Because we have a job vacancy and it could be perfect for you.

What On Earth is a fun-loving organic food manufacturer and supplier and we are currently seeking a confident and experienced Logistics Manager to come and work with us.  We have two sites – one in London and one in Somerset – but this role will be based in London.  You will also work with Simply Nectar – a range of award winning sugar free fruit juices and nectars.

About the role:

We are looking for someone with plenty of experience driving in London and an excellent grasp of the highway code. The role involves:
  • Overseeing the supply chain cycle and organising deliveries
  • Overseeing stock takes, stock checks and internal stock audit
  • Line managing 11 members of staff across a double shift operation

You will be in charge of:
  • Monitoring and maintaining all logistics related KPIs
  • Creating and monitoring department staff rotas; task lists; logs
  • Department training and setting of benchmarks and standards for staff
  • Departmental cost management
  • Departmental waste management
  • Management of Sage stock aspect

The role attracts a salary of £23K annually, negotiable after completing a three month probation period. It is offered on a full-time basis (40 hours a week) with two days off a week.

To be considered for this role ideally you will have a track record of working within leading warehouse operations. Other essential qualifications & knowledge we are looking for include:
  • UK/EU driver’s licence and have the right to work in the UK
  • Have at least 12 months experience as logistics supervisor or similar or suitable experience
  • Forklift licence – essential
  • Experience in Sage50 will be an advantage
  • Good leadership and problem solving skills  

If you are interested in this role, please send your CV and covering letter to the HR Administrator, Marta, on  Closing date is 25 November 2011.

What on Earth is an equal opportunity employer and applications are welcomed from everyone (as long as you hold the minimum experience/requirements).

This is where we have to apologise…. basically, due to the high volume of interest generated, we cannot reply to every application.  If you have not heard from us within two weeks please consider your application as unsuccessful – SORRY!

Oh also – we do not deal with agencies so if you are from an agency, please do not contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you job seekers.


What On Earth and Simply Nectar


Friday, 28 October 2011

A lesson on Halloween - Polish style

Halloween seems to get more hyped up every year.  I never remember it being such a big deal in England when I was a child, but over the years it seems to have gained in popularity.  Commercialism has hit and now we are preparing for the night with almost as much gusto as the United States.  I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.  Oh no.  It’s rather a fun affair if you ask me.  But, since having a chat with some colleagues, I’ve found out that Halloween means something completely different to them. 

Courtesy of zirconicusso /

The team here at Simply Nectar and What On Earth are a real mixed bunch.  We have people from all over the world working here – a rich mix of individuals that offer something different to the team.  We have people from England, Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Brazil, Italy, Estonia…the list could continue.  The benefits of having such a mixed bag of people are the variety of cultures and traditions.  It was during a chat about Halloween that I learnt more about the traditions of Poland at this time of year.  It was so interesting that I thought I’d share it with you.

In Poland, Halloween is not celebrated.  Instead, All Saints’ Day is observed on 1 November.  It is an important date that allows the Polish to gather with families to recognise and remember the deceased.  In the evening of 1 November, the locals visit cemeteries to place candles and flowers on the graves of the deceased and to say prayers for them.  The tombs and graves of everybody are honoured.  Despite the mournful and sombre feel of the night, the candlelight makes it beautiful. Mass is also held for those who want to go to church.  The people of Poland also believe that spirits roam so they leave their doors and windows open to welcome the visiting spirits.  All Saints’ Day is then followed by All Souls’ Day on 2 November.  More church services are held for those who want to remember the dead.  Nowadays, it seems the fun side of Halloween is becoming more popular in Poland but traditionally it was never celebrated in that way.

Copyright: Taken from

We’ll try and find out about more Halloween celebrations from other members of the team.  I’ll report back on anything interesting.  In the mean time, enjoy all the Halloween celebrations this weekend if you’re heading out.  Our very own purchasing manager is going to a Halloween party dressed as Alex DeLarge from Clockwork Orange.  If we can get photos, we will.  If not, you’ll just have to look him up to know what he looks like.  That’s your homework for the weekend J

Simply Polish Halloween.

Simply Nectar

Friday, 21 October 2011

An apple a day and all that…

Today is National Apple Day.  This is a fact.  Last week it was National Curry Week and National Chocolate Week – both in the same week.  This week it is National Baking Week and now, to coincide with all that baking, it is Apple Day.  Does that mean we must bake things with apples??

Courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti /

As it’s Friday, a day we all love, and because we're in an office and not a kitchen, we have decided to ditch the baking and do a fascinating blog post to take you into the weekend.  That’s right, we’re going to teach you all about apples…of course we are, what else would we talk about on Apple Day?

From the wacky and wonderful to the downright bizzare, we have come up with a list of facts, stats and experiments for you to learn and try.  Fun huh?!  Just say yes….we think it’s fun so please do humour us :-)

Right, eyes down and look this way.  Here we go….

  • Apples, like many other pieces of fruit, give off ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process.  If you want to ripen certain other pieces of fruit in your fruit bowl, place them next to the apples.  If you don’t want your pieces of fruit to ripen fast, don’t put the apples next to them
  • Fresh apples float on water because 25% of their volume is air
  • Some studies have found that the smell of green apples can reduce the symptoms of a migraine AND can shorten a migraine episode. Putting apples on your head is optional

  • Apples are high in fibre – one apple can supply about 20 pre cent of the RDA.  Most of the fibre and antioxidants are found in the peel so it is important to eat this part as well as the flesh
  • No apple is identical
  • The apple fruit itself is covered with a natural layer of wax to protect its high water content. Hence, fresh apples are always crisp
  • Now it’s winter we can feed our apple leftovers to our feathered friends who are suffering in the cold outside.  Add the apple to other fruit and seed and those birds have got a meal fit for a king.
  • Each colour apple is good for you in different ways:
    • Green Apples – Good for strong bones and teeth, aids in vision and has anti cancer properties
    • Yellow Apples – Good for heart, eyes and immune system; reduce risk of some cancers
    • Red Apples – Good for heart and memory function, lower risk of some cancers and help maintain urinary tract health.

Courtesy of m_bartosch /

The last and most important fact of the day is this…..

Drink Apple Simply Nectar every day and your life will be better.  

OK, maybe that is more of a prediction than a fact.  BUT this bit is fact…Apple Simply Nectar contains 100 % pure apple.  You won’t find any refined sugars, preservatives or pesticides in the drink.  Plus, one tiny bottle contains over a third of your RDA of vitamin C.  Oooh, what a clever little drink.

Simply apples.

Simply Nectar

Friday, 7 October 2011

What On Earth does SALSA

Everybody at the What On Earth/Simply Nectar office is dancing round their desks…in their underwear. OK, so maybe that last bit isn’t so true - everybody is wearing clothes really.  But, they are still deliriously happy and are dancing around/waving their arms about.  It looks like an odd rendition of the Conga.  In fact, some of the team resemble Morris Dancers!

Courtesy of Tina Phillips /

So, why on earth are we dancing like crazy people?  It’s not because we’re all desperate for the toilet and no, it isn’t because we are swatting away flies or trying to get attention. We are so happy because we have just found out some fantastic news…


This doesn’t mean that What On Earth are accredited Salsa dancers. Sadly not – they just like to think they can Salsa and that they can swirl, twirl and grind with the best of them. The SALSA accreditation is in fact to do with the food industry – it has nothing to do with dancing…although it has caused us all to break out into dance!

In SALSA's own words:

“SALSA is a nationally recognised food safety certification scheme specifically developed for small and micro producers.  It is a food-safety standard written by experienced food safety experts to reflect both the legal requirements of producers and the enhanced expectations of ‘best practise’ of professional food buyers.”  (Source:

SALSA stands for Safe And Local Supplier Approval.  The scheme allows What On Earth to demonstrate the ways they work in order to show that they use a robust and effective food safety standard.  And that is exactly what they do here, hence the SALSA accreditation.

SALSA is widely accepted and recognised by retailers and food service providers.  We are therefore extremely proud of What On Earth for achieving accreditation once again.  It shows that they can meet high criteria in food hygiene, production, distribution and storage.  It also shows that they produce safe and legal food and that they’re fully committed to meeting the requirements of SALSA.

Let’s hear it for SALSA, woooo!!  Now let’s all dance the Salsa in our underwear.  Participation is optional :-)

Simply SALSA

Simply Nectar