High seas beckoned for Simply Nectar recently when some of the team took to the water with a group of friends (and of course some bottles of fruity and delicious Simply Nectar!)
Not only were we after a day of fun and the chance to spoil some of our closest buddies, we were also on a mission to see if fruit really is the answer to motion sickness.
Yes, believe it or not we read recently that consuming fruit and fruit juices – particularly mango juice – can help sea sickness. So, what better way to test this theory then to have our own little experiment, right? Right indeed! And what a day we day had.
Starting out on London soil at 6.30am, the Simply Nectar team gathered in Clapham and awaited the arrival of four friends. Surprisingly everybody had managed to get up on time and, despite the bleary eyes, all prospective sailors were in relatively high spirits. Once we were all present, correct and feeling shipshape (sorry!) we made our way to the cars and left London in convoy. The sun was shining, the roof was down and we were headed for Hamble on Hampshire’s south coast where our boat and skipper were waiting.
The skipper loved Simply Nectar |
Two hours later we arrived in our destination and soon enough we found ourselves in a little cafe at 8.30am, enjoying a cuppa while looking out across the marina. After a short caffeine fix to boost the senses we made our way to our boat – with our crates of Simply Nectar and boxes of What On Earth goodies in tow, of course!
We jumped on board with excitement and nestled in to the comfy surrounds of the deck. Our skipper gave us the safety talk and a quick tour of the boat, and then it was time to set sail for the Isle of Wight.
The trip over to Cowes took us a little while due to the lack of wind but before too long we managed to all chip in and get the sails up. Some of us helped more than others (naming no names of course!) and it was clear that some of the group were much better sailors than the rest – again, I name no names!
Rolf on the wheel |
Jeremy prefers to munch on crisps... |
The sun shone and the Simply Nectar did flow. We tried every flavour we could to test the sea sickness theory and, sure enough, nobody felt any nausea pangs. It seems that not only is Simply Nectar simply wonderful, it is also simply magical and simply medical. To test the theory even further we even added Simply Nectar to some bubbly. That’s right, we were sailing across the seas with bellinis in tow. Check us out! It was simply delightful.
As we moored in Cowes our stomachs growled angrily so we thought it about time we cracked open the boxes of What On Earth food. The head chef of What On Earth, Sergei, who joined us on the sailing boat, had kindly whipped up some delicious organic food for us. We nibbled on falafel, salmon quiche, and Cajun wraps – to name a few of the delectable products Sergei brought along. We also had organic salad and of course some Simply Nectar to wash it all down. Nobody was suffering from sea sickness so we all tucked into the food with vigour.

After letting our food go down we thought we better stop prancing around in the sun and get on with some real sailing. The winds had picked up and it was time for the boat to show us what it was made of. The next few hours were a blast and we flew from side to side. We all had a hand in sailing – whether we were steering the boat or helping change the sails. It is claimed that the only girl on board was the best at steering...oh yeah, that was me!! We even got involved with manning the rigging and walking the plank. Oh no, that’s pirate talk isn’t it?! Perhaps we didn’t do that. We did partake in some grog drinking though. None of us were sick from this either. Why? Because we’d had our Simply Nectar! Some of the crew even took to the sea themselves – the crazy kids stripped down to their trunks and jumped in for a swim.
The hours passed and the fun increased, but we soon found ourselves nearing the marina. By 5.30pm we were mooring, cleaning up and clearing off – much to our disappointment. We’d had a fantastic day and we’re pleased to say that we didn’t lose anybody overboard (despite the near misses!)
We’re even more pleased to report that our experiment proved the scientific backing. Fruit juice really does help sea sickness. Our Simply Nectar is a miracle cure! So, take it from us – if you want some fun on the high seas without the green face, be sure to pack the Simply Nectar for a nausea free trip.
If you want to see more of our photos click on the following link to visit our Flickr page http://www.flickr.com/.
Simply Nectar