Thursday 21 February 2013

International Mother Language Day

Happy International Mother Language Day!

Today is the day that we can celebrate languages across the world.  International Mother Language Day was introduced by UNESCO in November 1999 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, and since February 2000 it has been celebrated annually.  The day celebrates the variety of languages across the world, and observes the human right to use those languages.  It also remembers events such as the killing of four students on 21 February 1952, because they campaigned to officially use their mother language, Bengali, in Bangladesh.

Here at Simply Nectar we have people from across the world working with us. They all converse in English at work, but they each have their own mother languages as well.  It's fascinating really.  And today is a great day to appreciate all those languages in their beautiful form.  We have members of staff from the following countries speaking the following languages:
  • Poland - Polish
  • Latvia - Latvian
  • Albania - Albanian
  • Ireland – Irish and English
  • Estonia – Estonian and Russian
  • Sri Lanka – Tamil, Sinhala
  • India – Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi
  • Brazil – Portuguese
  • Malaysia - Malay
  • Russia – Russian
  • England – English

Join us in celebrating International Mother Language Day.  Speak your own language, speak other languages and learn about different languages in general.  We'll give you a little head start by telling you some fascinating language facts:
  • It is estimated that up to 7,000 different languages exist in our world
  • 90% of these languages are used by less than 100,000 people
  • 2,200 languages can be found in Asia and just 260 can be found in Europe
  • There are 46 languages that have just a single speaker 
  • At least half of the world's popular are bilingual or multilingual
  • Russia (population 148 million) has the highest number of languages spoken on its territory - between 130 to 200, depending on criteria
  • All pilots on international flights identify themselves in English
  • Many languages in Africa include a clicking sound that is pronounced at the same time as other sounds. You must learn these languages in childhood to do it properly
  • Somalia is the only African country in which the entire population speaks the same language - Somali
  • around 200 artificial languages have been created since the 17th century
(Fact sources:,,

So there we go - ten fascinating language facts.  Now you can go and amaze your friends with your new knowledge :)  

Happy International Mother Language Day once again.  Goodbye, adios, ciao, elveda, afscheid, नमस्ते  

Simply languages, 

Simply Nectar

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