Monday, 26 September 2011

Green trophy hat-trick for What On Earth

As most of you know we are owned by What On Earth so Simply Nectar is based at the same HQ in Battersea, London.  (Our factory is still in Provence though, don't fear!)  The office in London follows environmentally friendly working practices and this is something we all like to shout about.  We are proud of the way we work so we off course want to tell you all about our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.  Finally, this shouting has paid off because What On Earth has been awarded for its ethical ways.  Yay!

A few months ago What On Earth entered the Wandsworth Green Business Awards, which are run by Wandsworth Council.  We registered for the awards in the hope that our environmentally friendly work may get recognised. It’s a good job we entered because it did get recognised! In fact, it got recognised three times.

The Wandsworth Green Business Awards were launched to reward those businesses that do their bit to reduce their carbon footprint and help the environment. The judges of the awards look for particularly outstanding examples of commitment and innovation that have a real impact and may help influence other businesses in the future.

What On Earth felt it was right for the awards so we all entered and last week we won three trophies at the award ceremony. The company didn’t win the categories but What On Earth came runner up and for that we are very proud. The three categories What On Earth won trophies for were:
  • Best or most original waste/recycling project
  • Experienced Greener
  • Overall Green Business Champion

Both Simply Nectar and What On Earth will continue working hard to do our bit for the environment and we hope we can encourage you to do the same. Every little thing you can do will help, and you don’t need to win a trophy to know that you are helping the world.

Simply green.

Simply Nectar

Friday, 23 September 2011

Fancy a spot of lunch!

Simply Nectar will be making an appearance at lunch! next week.  We won’t just be visiting – we will be exhibiting too.  Wooo.  This is exciting because lunch! is the UK’s only dedicated food-to-go trade show – certainly a great exhibition to be at.

Although Simply Nectar won’t actually have its own stand, we will be available on the stand held by What On Earth – the award winning organic food company.  Why?  Well, because they are our friends…oh, and because What On Earth owns Simply Nectar :-)

Now in its fourth year, lunch! will be held at Old Billingsgate, London, on 29-30 September 2011. It is firmly established as the premier event for the entire out of home food industry and has garnered a reputation for helping businesses to do business.  We better get our business hats on then!

If you are looking to do business or simply want to give us a try please do come along and see us.  We will be taking a range of Simply Nectar flavours with us so you’ll be able to take your pick.

We will be on stand F608 with What On Earth.  Other items on the stand include some of What On Earth’s delicious range of organic products such as their organic pizzas and organic cheesecakes.  They will also bring along some tasty Italian, organic chocolate, which they supply on behalf of GO*DO.  Plus, What On Earth will be announcing a brand new distribution partnership with another exciting company.  Come along to the show to find out all the latest news.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Simply lunch!

Simply Nectar

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Twitter's fruity facts

Since joining Twitter earlier this year, we are now avid fans of this particular social media site.  We love it!  Maybe it’s because we’re nosy, maybe it’s because we like to tell people how great Simply Nectar is or maybe it’s because we love keeping up to date with the latest news.  Whatever our reasons, we love it!

We love it so much that we have now started joining in the Fact Friday fun.  Every Friday on Twitter hundreds of thousands of people across the world share facts – from the funny and bizarre to the more serious.  This is in addition to the enjoyment we have every Wednesday when we do our New Word Wednesday tweets.  Oh the fun we have!

Last Friday was our first week joining in with Fact Friday so we decided to keep with the Simply Nectar theme and give some fun, fruit based facts.  All of them are related to different flavours of Simply Nectar.  Some of them were so odd we thought we would share some with you.

Courtesy of

Here goes:

  • In China the peach is a symbol of longevity and good luck.  (That must mean drinking Peach Simply Nectar is good luck!) 
  • Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free. (We have Apple Simply Nectar. Bonus!) 
  • There is more fibre in an orange than in most other fruit and veg. (Get drinking those Orange Simply Nectars!) 
  • The saying “you’re a real peach” originated from the tradition of giving a peach to a friend you liked. (Give some Peach Simply Nectar to a friend!)
  • The mango is known as the 'king of fruit' throughout the world.  (Have a Mango Simply Nectar and you will be known as a king yourself!)

If these give you a fruity flavour of the fun we have on Twitter, come along and follow us - @SimplyNectar.  Join in with the #FactFriday fun too and share a few things with us (and the rest of the Twitosphere) that we don’t know.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Simply facts.

Simply Nectar 

Thursday, 1 September 2011

The banana drinks are on me

If you were in Clapham last Friday you may well have seen a man dressed as a banana.  Despite your first impressions, he was not a reveller still out carousing from the fancy dress party the night before.  Nor was a he a victim of a cruel prank (well, not quite!)  He was in fact our very own salesman, George, who was helping us hand out free bottles of Simply Nectar to lucky passersby.  

The sight you may have seen

Yes, George does like bananas but sadly he doesn’t frequently dress up as a piece of fruit and parade around London.  If you missed him this time you may therefore not see this spectacle again.  BUT, don’t fear because we did of course take photographs to mark the occasion.

George does 'Abbey Road'

We had decided to hand out some free Simply Nectar for a few reasons.  Not only were we feeling generous, we were in the mood to encourage you guys to ditch those sugary drinks and enjoy pure fruit goodness instead.  Plus, it is Simply Nectar’s tenth anniversary this year so we wanted to help celebrate this big event by giving away freebies.  

 Unfortunately, the day we had chosen to do the giveaway was a dreary and wet Friday but we tried not to let this get in our way.  It may have been raining but we figured what better way to cheer up south London then by getting a soggy banana to hand out free banana flavoured drinks! 

Why the banana ones I hear you ask?  Well, a) George really really really wanted to wear his banana suit b) we really really really wanted to see George in said banana suit and c) we had lots of delicious banana drinks available so it made sense really.  Also, bananas are full of potassium so were the perfect way to cheer up our bodies on a rainy day in what was supposed to be England’s summer.

The giveaway went extremely well and you locals went bananas (sorry!) for our Banana Simply Nectar.  We gave away a few Pear Simply Nectars too, which went down extremely well.  They were like a little surprise in the lucky dip box!

We had lots of interest from passersby.  It turns out loads of people wanted to lap up our drinks and who wouldn’t when they are receiving them from a man dressed as a banana!  Everyone tried the Simply Nectar - from cabbies and builders going about their daily tasks to travellers and shoppers who were just enjoying being in Clapham.  We gave the Simply Nectar to anybody who wanted some and those that drank it there and then gave us a big thumbs up for the taste.  And who could blame them.  The Simply Nectar drinks are pure heaven – even if we do say so ourselves!

Perfect for the travels
Happy cabbie

The work men couldn't get enough of the Simply Nectar
Carrying his Simply Nectar with pride

If you did see us hanging around in Clapham with an overgrown banana please do drop us a line to say hello.  Also, if you tried the Simply Nectar let us know what you thought of it.  Did you like it??  Tell us all.

We will keep you informed as to if any other giveaways will be going ahead in the near future so keep your eyes peeled.  Get it?! (Sorry, another banana joke!)

Simply freebies.

Simply Nectar