Monday, 26 September 2011

Green trophy hat-trick for What On Earth

As most of you know we are owned by What On Earth so Simply Nectar is based at the same HQ in Battersea, London.  (Our factory is still in Provence though, don't fear!)  The office in London follows environmentally friendly working practices and this is something we all like to shout about.  We are proud of the way we work so we off course want to tell you all about our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.  Finally, this shouting has paid off because What On Earth has been awarded for its ethical ways.  Yay!

A few months ago What On Earth entered the Wandsworth Green Business Awards, which are run by Wandsworth Council.  We registered for the awards in the hope that our environmentally friendly work may get recognised. It’s a good job we entered because it did get recognised! In fact, it got recognised three times.

The Wandsworth Green Business Awards were launched to reward those businesses that do their bit to reduce their carbon footprint and help the environment. The judges of the awards look for particularly outstanding examples of commitment and innovation that have a real impact and may help influence other businesses in the future.

What On Earth felt it was right for the awards so we all entered and last week we won three trophies at the award ceremony. The company didn’t win the categories but What On Earth came runner up and for that we are very proud. The three categories What On Earth won trophies for were:
  • Best or most original waste/recycling project
  • Experienced Greener
  • Overall Green Business Champion

Both Simply Nectar and What On Earth will continue working hard to do our bit for the environment and we hope we can encourage you to do the same. Every little thing you can do will help, and you don’t need to win a trophy to know that you are helping the world.

Simply green.

Simply Nectar

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