Friday 7 October 2011

What On Earth does SALSA

Everybody at the What On Earth/Simply Nectar office is dancing round their desks…in their underwear. OK, so maybe that last bit isn’t so true - everybody is wearing clothes really.  But, they are still deliriously happy and are dancing around/waving their arms about.  It looks like an odd rendition of the Conga.  In fact, some of the team resemble Morris Dancers!

Courtesy of Tina Phillips /

So, why on earth are we dancing like crazy people?  It’s not because we’re all desperate for the toilet and no, it isn’t because we are swatting away flies or trying to get attention. We are so happy because we have just found out some fantastic news…


This doesn’t mean that What On Earth are accredited Salsa dancers. Sadly not – they just like to think they can Salsa and that they can swirl, twirl and grind with the best of them. The SALSA accreditation is in fact to do with the food industry – it has nothing to do with dancing…although it has caused us all to break out into dance!

In SALSA's own words:

“SALSA is a nationally recognised food safety certification scheme specifically developed for small and micro producers.  It is a food-safety standard written by experienced food safety experts to reflect both the legal requirements of producers and the enhanced expectations of ‘best practise’ of professional food buyers.”  (Source:

SALSA stands for Safe And Local Supplier Approval.  The scheme allows What On Earth to demonstrate the ways they work in order to show that they use a robust and effective food safety standard.  And that is exactly what they do here, hence the SALSA accreditation.

SALSA is widely accepted and recognised by retailers and food service providers.  We are therefore extremely proud of What On Earth for achieving accreditation once again.  It shows that they can meet high criteria in food hygiene, production, distribution and storage.  It also shows that they produce safe and legal food and that they’re fully committed to meeting the requirements of SALSA.

Let’s hear it for SALSA, woooo!!  Now let’s all dance the Salsa in our underwear.  Participation is optional :-)

Simply SALSA

Simply Nectar

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