Friday 11 November 2011

11/11/11 - Our One Day On Earth

This morning, during the 11th hour on 11/11/11, we made a piece of history.  We joined in a human massage chain for One Day On Earth.  The human massage chain took place in St Martin’s Court in Covent Garden and was done in conjunction with Melvita, a certified organic (EcoCert) skincare brand.  Melvita is made in the south of France, a bit like Simply Nectar, so that’s why we thought we would join them in the inspirational and unforgettable event that took place this morning.  Also, the brand is very ethical – just like us.  Another tick in the box!   Read up on Melvita here:

One Day On Earth is a global media creation that documents what is happening around the world on 11/11/11.  People from across the globe recorded what occurred on this day and all the clips/photographs etc will be put together to create a share archive and film.  You can read more about here:

The human massage chain in full flow

Simply Nectar drinks were haned out in the goody bags at this morning’s event, plus we also took part in the human massage chain.  This was a delight because the massage on my shoulders was great, although my arms were aching because the girl in front of me was a lot taller!  Plus, my massage skills aren’t great so I doubt the poor girl in front of me enjoyed it overly much.  Despite that, it was a fun experience.  We managed to participate in the minute’s silence at 11am and then join history by documenting the human massage chain for One Day On Earth.  It was certainly one way to enjoy 11/11/11.

Goody bags at the ready

Did anybody else do anything memorable at all?  It would be great to hear about it so please let us know.

Simply massages.

Simply Nectar

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