Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Eggs, asparagus, stories and limericks...and a competition

Every day seems to be dedicated to some cause or another, most of which you have probably never heard of.  For example yesterday (8 May) was apparently “Have a Coke Day” and 7 May was ‘National Roast Leg of Lamb Day’ – obviously.  Why on earth these days exist and who created them I’ll never know, but at least they provide amusement and events the world over.

Not only is it the days that are devoted to causes, though.  There are also months and weeks and possibly even years that have some special dedication.  This month alone is apparently one of six things.  These are:
  • Local and Community History Month
  • National Egg Monthy
  • National Salad Month
  • National Chocolate Custard Month
  • National Asparagus Month
  • National Share a Story Month

Also this week is National Herb Week and next week is National Doughnut Week AND National Sandwich Week.

Now, I can’t imagine that anybody really knows how to celebrate these so called special dates, and even if there should be any celebrations at all.  But we at Simply Nectar (and at What On Earth) say there should be a celebration occurring.  Please feel free to delve into as much salad, chocolate custard and asparagus as you want all month long – within reason of course.  We don’t want to be held responsible for any problems eating these foods could cause!

There are two dates in particular that we’d like you to celebrate with us.  These are:
1)  National Share a Story Month
2)  Limerick Day (12 May 2012)

We want you to do one of two things (or do both if you fancy it).  Firstly we’d love to hear your stories so please do email/tweet/Facebook us with some funny stories.  These can be related to anything you want – as long as they make us laugh.

Secondly, we want you to write a limerick about Simply Nectar to celebrate Limerick Day on 12 May.  Again you can do it anyway you want.

The people who enter the funniest story and limerick will win some Simply Nectar drinks.

Get those creative hats on boys and girls.  We look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Send the stories to, tweet them to @simplynectar or add them to our Facebook page  You can even comment on this blog with them if you fancy it.

Simply creativity.

Simply Nectar

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