Friday 21 September 2012

Funny looking fruit? We respect it all

I have heard recently that wonky fruit is rife across supermarket shelves at the moment.  Hurrah!  Let’s hear it for the fruit!  Apparently because of Britain’s unpredictable weather of late all our fruit is growing a little strangely.  And best of all is that people are buying the fruit regardless of how it looks.  That’s what we like to hear!  At the end of the day, the fruit is going to get eaten so why does it matter what it looks like?

We at Simply Nectar are rather pleased that the fruit being sold at the moment is mishappen.  Why?  Well, because we are never prejudice against the fruit.  We happily take all shapes and sizes of fruit for our drinks.  Besides, it’s not the look that counts but the flavour.  We do nothing but respect the fruit and that shines through in all our drinks.  We only take the juice and pulp after all.  The rest is fed to our livestock.  Plus, it’s not like our drinks come out looking like this, is it?! 

But perhaps they should?!

Supermarkets across the country are having to relax their rules on what fruit looks like in order to take on all the strange shaped stock.  A campaign by farmers means that supermarkets are not allowed to waste perfectly good food just because it looks a bit odd.  “Hear, hear,” that’s what we say.  All fruit should be allowed on the shelves if it is perfectly tasty and in date.  Surely we are not a nation to judge fruit on its appearance?  Apparently we are.  EU rules on fruit that is out of shape were relaxed in 2009 but some shops and supermarkets still want high standards so, according to them, all fruit must be the so called right colour and right shape.  Some farmers are forced to throw away up to 40 per cent of their stock because of these strict rules.  This isn’t good because it’s putting some farmers out of business.  This is something we need to try and banish as soon as possible.

Luckily it seems that a lot of consumers agree with us because many people are still buying fruit, regardless of whether it is a little (or a lot) out of shape.  Good on you Britain – support your farmers and don’t judge the fruit based on its shape.  They’re growing naturally into any shape they want – just as Mother Nature intended.  And come on let’s face it, some odd shaped pieces of fruit are rather funny to eat and look at.  Here are some good examples:






So there we have some odd/rude looking pieces of fruit.  Have you come across any strange ones yourself?  Have you ever taken photos?  If so, let us know.  If not go hunting in the supermarkets for some - now is the time to do it after all!

Simply odd looking fruit.

Simply Nectar

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