Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Year's resolutions made simple with Simply Nectar

Happy New Year everyone.  We hope you saw in 2012 in pure Simply Nectar style.  We did of course.  How else would we see it in?!  Now, as it’s the New Year we know that many of you will be making resolutions.  Whether you keep them up is a whole different thing but I’m sure the effort will be made – for the first few weeks at least!

We have been looking at the most common New Year’s resolutions and we have seen that they all revolve around looking and feeling good.  Some of the most popular resolutions include:
  • Keeping a healthy diet
  • Joining a gym
  • Giving up smoking/drinking
  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Learning a new skill
  • Enjoying life more
  • Not getting stressed
  • Achieving career goals

Courtesy of Ambro /

Now, we’re not claiming to be able to turn you into a buff, toned, health and fitness guru but we reckon we may be able to help.  How?  Well, by pushing Simply Nectar of course :)  Apologies for the shameless self promotion but we believe Simply Nectar really could help you keep to your resolutions – or some of them anyway.

We can help with the healthy diet goal and possibly the giving up drinking goal.  We can even help with enjoying life more because consuming more fruit means a healthier mind and body.  This means you’re set up to be happier, more confident and more ambitious.  

A daily intake of fruit can benefit the body in numerous ways.  It can aid weight loss, energy gain and the daily intake of water.  Fruit contains 80% water so adding more to the diet means an increased overall water intake.  Fruit can also help digestive problems, lower cholesterol levels and stimulate the memory.  Incredible huh?

Courtesy of Grant Cochrane /

Here at Simply Nectar we produce eight different flavoured drinks.  The drinks contain natural fruit and are free from pesticides and refined sugars.  If the drinks need sweetening at all only natural lemon or grape juice is added.  There are no other ingredients – the drinks are pure simplicity, hence the name, Simply Nectar.

The flavours are:

  • Raspberry – raspberries are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and fibre
  • Citron Presse – lemons are high in vitamins, help digestion and prevent vomiting, throat trouble, acidity and rheumatism 
  • Pear – pears are high in vitamins, fibre, antioxidants, folate and boron
  • Mango – mangos are rich in pre-biotic dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
  • Apricot – apricots are low in calories and are a rich source of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. They are packed with numerous health promoting phyto-chemicals; that helps prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol levels and offer protection against cancers
  • Peach – peaches are a good source of many different vitamins and minerals, but one that is particularly important is potassium
  • Orange – oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids.  One orange supplies nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin C.  They are high in fibre, potassium, folic acid, calcium and amino acids
  • Apple – apples are a rich source of dietary fibre. They are also high in sources of antioxidant and the mineral boron, which helps to promote bone growth

Photo by Laura Collins

If you make virgin cocktails with the Simply Nectar you won’t crave alcohol because the taste of the fruit will be so good without it.  The fruit will enhance natural happiness and energy levels so alcohol will not be needed in this respect either.

Finally, if you drink Simply Nectar while reading a foreign dictionary you may even get to learn a language…that’s definitely attempting to get a new skill under your belt.


Simply resolutions.

Simply Nectar

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